Thursday, July 10, 2008

Great Article covering Kanzius Cancer Cure Story

This is one of the best articles I've read on this topic. Very, very well done. 

Excerpt from the Kanzius article:

The key ingredient in the Kanzius innovation are nanoparticles — pieces of metal so small that 75,000 to 100,000 of them can fit across the tip of a human hair. They are introduced into the body where the cancer lives, and then the machine ignites them to cell-killing temperatures.

Popular Mechanics weighs in on Kanzius Cancer Cure

Daniel Tam-Claiborne has a small piece in Popular Mechanics updating the latest news with John Kanzius salt water burning technology.    They include the below Channel 3 news video on their web post.

Kanzius Human Trials Some Time in Next 2 yrs: in Erie, PA

Erie, PA may become the setting for the first human trials of John Kanzius' radio frequency device sometime in the next two years.  The trials would take place at the Regional Cancer Center.